IT IS A SPURGE: A EUPHORBIA. Just one of more than 1600 species growing world-wide. These include Crown ofThorns and the Christmas Poinsettia. Only a few are attractive enough and hardy enough for Ontario gardens. For the most part the others must be considered as unwelcome weeds.
If, by Snow on the Mountain they mean Euphorbia marginata it’s a bit over the top to state that the plant is ‘poisonous to humans’. Poisonous to me suggests death or serious injury not a skin rash however unwelcome. It is not a common reaction. In all my years I recall only one person who developed a skin rash from a Spurge and it was not Euphorbia marginata.
( Serious damage could result if you get the caustic white sap in your eye which does call for a cautionary note.)
White-edged plants are usually a variety of a plain green species; not so in this case. Euphorbia marginata is the species. It self-seeds and can appear under the greenhouse bench or in other pots and around the garden. A skin rash may not be a trivial matter to those who are sensitive but to label it as a poisonous plant is to make a mountain out of a molehill.
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